➡️ Are you responsible for fleet and/or mobility decision-making in your company?
➡️ Do you have responsibility across one or mutliple regions?
➡️ Are you interested in learning, networking and exchanging with peers?

Then our Hosted Buyer programme is for you!

Why apply?


Who is eligible for this programme ?

You must be a buyer profile within your company.
-> A Buyer is the person who is responsible for purchase decision making with regard to the Fleet & Mobility programme for the employees in his/her own* multinational company.

Examples: Fleet Manager, Mobility Manager, Purchase Manager, Procurement, HR Executive, Category Manager, Indirect Spend, Finance Manager, Operations Manager, Travel Manager, Technology, Facilities, EGS.

*The person that purchases and/or manages products and services with the intention to sell to third-parties in the Fleet & Mobility ecosystem is not considered a Buyer but a Supplier.

The steps

  1. Fill this application form thoroughly 📝
  2. We will review your application 🔍
  3. We will contact you to confirm your profile fits the Hosted Buyer Programme criteria 📩
  4. You will receive a personal code that grants you access to all of our 2025 events FOR FREE ✅

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at contact@nexuscommunication.be